As part of her effort to bring environmental justice to the Seventh Council District, Councilwoman Rodriguez has invested in sustainable infrastructure. Projects that capture and treat rainwater along with infrastructure projects that make streets safer for pedestrians, cyclists and equine riders are some of the investments that will add to the quality of life for residents in the district.
Infrastructure and Services
Environmental Infrastructure Projects
- Oro Vista Avenue Urban Flow Management Project: Advocated for $10.5 million to fund the Oro Vista Local Area Urban Flow Management Project in the Sunland-Tujunga area. A concrete storm drain was constructed between Foothill Boulevard and the Haynes Canyon Channel to capture, treat, and percolate runoff water as well as prevent potential floods.
- Tujunga Canyon Boulevard Green Street Project: Advocated for $2.9 million to fund the Tujunga Canyon project. This project will build a storm drain system that captures and diverts water into the Haines Canyon Channel — a channel that connects to Tujunga Wash and flows into the Upper Los Angeles River. It will result in improved water quality, increased water supply, and beautification of the neighborhood.
- Greening Pacoima through the Glenoaks Great Street Project: Secured $3.24 million for the Glenoaks-Filmore Stormwater Capture Project. This project will install environmentally-conscious stormwater infrastructure systems—such as bioswales, porous concrete gutters, and dry well systems—to capture stormwater and urban runoff from nearby watersheds to infiltrate the captured water into the ground.

- Maximizing greening and conservation opportunities in our tributaries: Chaired the Upper Los Angeles River and Tributaries (ULART) Revitalization Plan Working Group for plan adoption in April 2020. The ULART Revitalization Plan identifies more than 300 opportunity sites for future recreation and conservation projects that could bring open space amenities to over 600,000 residents within a half-mile of the river tributaries, including the Pacoima and Tujunga Washes.
- Improving the Sylmar Channel: Worked with the LASAN to identify plans to improve Sylmar Channel between Borden Avenue and Polk Street. Developed a multi-benefit project that provides watershed protection to address issues of localized flooding. Included amenities that can be used for equestrian activities and passive recreation.
- Completed the Bradley Green Alley Project: Partnered with the Green Together Collaborative to complete the Bradley Plaza and Green Alley in Pacoima. The project replaced the crumbling surface with new asphalt that drains into infiltration planters, subsurface infiltration trenches, and a catch basin system. The new structure will cleanse and infiltrate approximately two million gallons of stormwater into the aquifer each year. The result is improved water quality and elimination of local flooding during rain storms.
- Reimagining our stormwater infrastructure through the Van Nuys Green Streets Project: Completed a $3.36 million environmental infrastructure project designed to capture stormwater and deposit it in the San Fernando Groundwater Basin. The result is reduced localized flooding and urban runoff. The project consists of bioswales, 21 dry wells, porous concrete gutters, 65 shade trees, and environmentally-conscious stormwater infrastructure at various locations.
Investing in Infrastructure for Safer Streets
- Transforming Sepulveda Boulevard’s Mission Mile: Partnered with the Department of Transportation and Streets LA to transform Sepulveda Boulevard’s “Mission Mile” between Rayen Street and Rinaldi Street into a transportation corridor. The new corridor will increase walkability, offer beautification and greening opportunities, expand transportation options, and provide a higher quality of life for local residents and businesses. In 2017, the Council Office identified Sepulveda Boulevard as a priority corridor due to the high volume of traffic deaths and severe injuries. There were 30 severe injuries and five fatalities along this three mile stretch between 2009 and 2017.
- Beautified Sylmar with the “Great Streets Grant Challenge” : Sylmar residents made improvement recommendations on landscaping, streetscaping, and public art to make Foothill Boulevard (between Hubbard Street and Polk Street) more pedestrian friendly. Partnered with Tia Chucha’s on the Great Streets Challenge to transform Foothill Boulevard.

- During heavy rainfall, fast-moving water swells the Pacoima Wash making it dangerous for pedestrians on this road. The Councilwoman secured funds to build a multimodal bridge at Telfair Avenue (near the Pacoima Wash) that connect the roads and provide access to a new park planned at El Dorado Avenue.
- Secured $4 million in funding to increase road safety across CD 7. The funding went towards traffic signals, left-turn phasing traffic lights, pedestrian and emergency hybrid beacons, and speed feedback signs to slow down traffic and enhance visibility for all users of the road.
- Partnered with community members and the Department of Transportation to address La Tuna Canyon Road traffic concerns. Completed road redesign to address safety concerns including road repavement, buffer lanes for cyclists, and shared shoulders for cyclists and equestrians to help prevent serious collisions, and provide efficient travel for users on the busy corridor.
- Worked with the Bureau of Street Services and LADWP, and upgraded all street lights along Foothill Boulevard, between Wentworth Street and Osborne Street, to higher-intensity LED lights, to improve the visibility of equestrians, cyclists, pedestrians, and all users of the road. Currently working with the Department of Transportation to redesign Foothill Boulevard along this stretch to increase road safety and eliminate traffic fatalities. Held the first community meeting for input on the redesign in February 2020.
- Secured over $4 million for the massive reconstruction of the hillside sinkhole near La Tuna Canyon Road. The project included debris removal, dewatering, replacement of the large storm drain pipe that runs beneath the road, completion of new inlet and outlet structures, installation of secondary drainage infrastructure, and successfully reconstructing the embankment itself.
- For over three decades, local residents have been calling for sidewalk improvements near Fenton Elementary. Completed in record-time major improvements to the road near Fenton Avenue and Terra Bella Street in Lake View Terrace. This nearly $5 million project increased lighting, widened the road, installed a new right-turn lane, resurfaced the street, and installed a new sidewalk and retaining wall.
Improving Parks and Public Spaces
- Secured funding to renovate North Valley City Hall, a hub for constituent services and community events in the SunlandTujunga neighborhood. Improvements include facade restorations, technology enhancements to the community room, and a revamp of the public space. Built in 1957, the much needed investment and construction began in summer 2019 and is nearing completion.
- Secured $380K in funding for brand new playground equipment at Lake View Terrace Recreation Center. Upgrades included a tractor climber, shade area with seating, a new shaded swing set, and a resurfaced playground.
- Installed new playground equipment next to the Sunland Park Recreation Center which included an upgraded swing set, a brand new shade structure, resurfaced playground, a new hydration station, and installed over 100 new LED lights throughout the park. The total investment was $137K.
- Secured $700K of additional funding to expand the scope of Lopez Canyon Green Space in Sylmar. The new green space will include playgrounds tailored for different age groups, a walking path, seating, lighting, and a dog park.
- Completed the installation of an Adopt-a-Lot pocket park in North Hills. The 18-month pilot program provides an opportunity for community groups or neighbors to “adopt” a vacant city-owned lot and use it for recreational purposes such as community garden beds, meditative spaces, or a children’s play area.

Abatement of Unsafe Properties
- 1300 block of Eustace Street: removed four junk vehicles, over 1,194 square feet of material and 420 yards of debris. Once cleared, the back fence of the property was secured to discourage future dumping.
- Sylmar Upper Channel: resulting in 2,700 clean-up hours for LA Sanitation staff and 500 hours for LA Conservation Corps crew. Removed 350,000 pounds of green waste, 250 cubic yards of trash and debris.
- Olden Street: project incorporated over 2,300 linear feet with 13 trees trimmed, 1,480 square feet of weeds abated and 15,650 pounds of trash collected.