Here’s a quick recap of what’s happening in the Seventh Council District this week:
Community Events in the 7th Council District

Springtime is here! Pack a picnic, get outside, and have fun with your family. There are many ways to enjoy the the long evenings and warm weather in the Northeast Valley. Join me next Sunday, May 13th for a Mother’s Day concert featuring live music at Pacoima City Hall. For more Springtime fun, here’s a great list of community events taking place throughout Seventh District.
Safety First
WATCH: (Click on the image to watch the press conference)
Last week, a fire broke out in Sylmar and claimed the life of a member in our community. It’s critical that homes be equipped with working fire detectors. Fires can occur in a variety of ways and in any room of your home. The risk of dying in a home fire is reduced by 50% in homes with a working smoke alarm.
A few tips to keep in mind:
✅ Test your smoke alarms every month.
✅ Smoke alarms should be interconnected. When one sounds, they all sound.
✅ Replace all smoke alarms in your home every 10 years.
✅ Install smoke alarms in every sleeping room and outside each separate sleeping area. Install alarms on every level of the home. For more fire safety tips and to receive a free smoke alarm installation, visit:
99 Problems…But a Stump Ain’t One

(📸: Osborne Pl and Eldridge Ave. in Lake View Terrace)
While serving on the Board of Public Works, I made a commitment to resolve an issue that plagued neighborhoods for several years. A regular practice by the Department of Water and Power is to ensure trees are not impacting the power lines — it’s dangerous. Unfortunately, the contractors responsible for the work of clearing around the power lines hadn’t realize that decapitating a palm tree ended it’s life. This practice left hundreds of dead palm tree stumps left in residential neighborhoods across the city. As Commissioner, I identified funding and worked with LADWP to remove the stumps. I am continuing this effort throughout the 7th Council District to preserve and beautify our community. If you see a palm tree stump, please record the location and call our Pacoima Office at 818-485-0600.
Home-Sharing in Los Angeles

On Wednesday, the LA City Council voted to move forward on a policy regulating home-sharing and short-term rentals. The proposed ordinance would allow Angelenos to rent out their primary residence for short periods, totaling 120 days per year. Hosts may get city permission to exceed the cap if they do not have multiple or outstanding citations from city departments. I am supportive of an ordinance that maintains a cap — a policy that protects our housing stock, while allowing Angelenos to participate in the home-sharing economy without exacerbating the housing crisis. This proposed legislation will go before the City’s Planning Commission, and return to the City Council for review. For more information, read the Council File.
Photo of the Week

April 29, 2018 marked the 26th year anniversary of the LA Riots. 26 years ago, I arrived home from school to watch the LA Riots unfold on television. My father was among the first dispatched to the epicenter of the civil unrest. His fire truck sustained multiple rounds from a semi automatic weapon — he was nearly hit. I saw communities that were no different than mine having to protect themselves and suffer through the aftermath when the debris settled. This pivotal moment 26 years ago evoked my calling to public service and guided my work to fight for my community.